August 2002 Updates on
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Good things come to good people. We have heard from our dear friends the Wilsons in Kansas City that Erin may be beginning the recovery process of her liver function. Although she remains in a very delicate state, there is renewed hope for this organ to recover. Please continue to reach out for prayers for Erin and her entire family as they are currently spending 24 hours a day at at Children's Mercy Hospital with Erin in ICU. For those of us who live far away, our prayers are the best contribution we can make. Thank you for using this powerful force to assist the Wilson family. God
bless you, I have had numerous people speak to me about how difficult it must be to lose a child. It is very difficult. Some have suggested that over time "you will get over it". These are also the people who thankfully have not experienced this life altering event and some have never been parents. It is my belief that each person grieves in a different manner and that I will never "get over it" but will rather work through it. The passage of time has helped and I assume will continue to help me. As a family we continue to move forward in our daily lives and enjoy the blessings we have. We smile a lot, laugh often, and still strive to experience new places, meet new people and try new things. After all, we have learned that life is worth living to the fullest. God
bless you, December 30, 1989 - August 6, 2002
We ask for your prayers for our dear friends the Wilson family of Overland Park, KS as they parted with a very special person today. While an angel on earth for her 12 years, our friend Erin Wilson became an angel in the purest sense this morning as she began her ascension into heaven. She remains an inspiration to all who knew her and to countless people who did not have the privilege. For the past eight years she epitomized the definition of courage while battling leukemia and living a complete and fulfilling life. She will he missed by all and forgotten by none and God's kingdom is much richer by her presence. God
bless you, We had the opportunity to attend Erin Wilson's visitation and prayer service as well as her funeral on Thursday and Friday. These events truly celebrated her life and the courage and grace she demonstrated while on earth. As Bret, Christy, Rachel and Emily face the coming days, weeks, months and years without Erin's physical presence, please keep them in your prayers that they may find peace and strength. Knowing you are in the hearts and prayers of so many people is very comforting and consoling. God
bless you, When you in the air for the majority of the day you have a lot of time to work and a lot of time to think. After leaving St. Louis at 9:06 am and arriving in Sun Valley, ID at 4:45 pm, today was such a day. I thought about a lot of things and worked for awhile on kindergarten soccer. I thought about the occasions in coaching where parents, coaches and players have judged the referees. My mind then went into the topic of judging in general. It is so easy to do but we are taught that we should never be the judge of anyone else. This duty belongs to God and God alone. I can not imagine how many times I judged people. Each time I am tempted to do so, I simply say to myself, "Help me Jesus." Try it sometime, it truly works. God
bless you, When you see our great country from the air and view the majestic mountains, the plains, the rivers, lakes and metropolitan areas, it makes you appreciate everything God has given us to enjoy. Whether in central Idaho experiencing the low temperatures in the upper 30's or "enjoying" the heat and humidity of a summer eve in St. Louis, we count each as a gift. For without one, we would not appreciate the other as much. As has been said, variety is the spice of life. Enjoy the seasoning! God
bless you, A few nights ago, Sheila was reading to Will during his bedtime and discussing the fact that Heidi would be going to the hospital for surgery to remove her tonsils and adenoids. She told him that the doctors informed her that Heidi would most likely be spending the night at the hospital because of her age as children between 12 and 16 seem to have the hardest time with the pain of this procedure. He was saying his nightly prayers and prayed to Mary Beth to look over Heidi during her surgery. He asked her for a sign to let him know she was listening to his prayers. The sign her asked for was to have Heidi at home the night of her surgery because he did not want any of his sisters to spend the night in a hospital anymore. Heidi had her surgery this afternoon around 1:15 and was in her hospital room in a lot of pain by 3:30. Mary Beth was obviously listening to her little brother because she is in her own bed this evening and prior to falling asleep, she ate some macaroni and cheese. Will fell asleep with a smile this evening knowing that he received a sign from his biggest sister. God
bless you, When we turn out the lights tonight, summer ends for all intents and purposes in our home as Barbie starts classes tomorrow at St. Joe. She is excited to get back to school and spend more time with her friends. Whether a student, parent, or grandparent, our wish is for you to enjoy the upcoming school year and the friendships that go with it. May all of you students grow scholastically, socially and spiritually during the coming year. God
bless you, While attending Freshman Parent's Orientation this evening at St. Joe, it reminded me of the pat two years when I attended as a freshman parent. There are always a lot of new faces and the excitement level is high. When the girls were in grade school, it seemed as though the time there lasted a long time. But since we have experienced the high school thing, time has passed too rapidly. Barbie is a sophomore and MB's classmates are all Juniors. Reflecting on this, I will continue to strive to attend all activities with all the kids and especially the high school activities with Barbie to enjoy the time I have with her and her friends before they depart for the colleges of choice. My advice to all parents is to do the same with your children, regardless of their age. God
bless you,
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