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After our exciting day yesterday, we ventured to Camp Wyman with Barbie and Heidi to drop them off for the week of HIS KIDS Camp. This is a week long camp in which kids with cancer and their siblings attend the same camp and share their experiences with others kids with cancer and siblings. Mary Beth loved this camp when she had the opportunity to attend with Barbie and Heidi. Barbie and Heidi are attending for the third time and do not want to miss out on the opportunity to share with their peers. Barbie and Matt Baumgartner are part of the Counselors-In-Training program this year. The camp is free to all attendees and is staffed by volunteers. The costs are underwritten by fund raising efforts and private donations. Mary Beth's Angels Foundation has supported this organization for the past two years. If you would like to help the effort to continue sending cancer kids and their siblings to this wonderful camp, you may do so through MB's Angels by designating it as earmarked for HIS KIDS. God
bless you, While delivering some patriotic decor to Mary Beth, Aunt Joan and Aunt Mary Beth today, I smiled when I saw a whimsical purple and silver pinwheel spinning in the wind at Mary Beth's grave. It reminded me of her positive attitude. She had a smile on her face regardless of the situation. When I begin to start feeling less than positive about events happening in my life, I simply think of MB's smile, say a little prayer to her and my perspective changes. Try it some time. God
bless you, 7-4-02 HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY! We wish each and everyone a very happy and healthy independence day; one filled with family, friends and fun. Please pause to remember those who have been responsible for giving us the freedom we enjoy in our great country - from the revolution through today. God
bless you, Today we conclude the almost eerie quiet that has engulfed our home for the past week. While Lucy has added some noise, Barbie and Heidi's absence has been noted. On this, their final day of HIS KIDS Camp, all the cabins perform a skit. The funniest one I have ever seen was the one narrated by Mary Beth two years ago. Her cabin mates went through the typical morning of getting dressed at camp. They paired up with one sitting in front of another and facing the audience. The person in front had their hands behind them and the person in back performed all the tasks with their hands but unable to see what they were doing. There were arms going everywhere and MB was laughing (with everyone) as she tried to narrate. Fortunately, I caught this on video so we can treasure this moment for years to come. I am sure more laughs will come again today as the creativity flows. Life is short, laugh hard! God
bless you, Barbie and Heidi enjoyed their stay at HIS KIDS Camp last week and came home exhausted after receiving little sleep for the week. Although this was their third time attending, it may have been the most rewarding. They spoke of all the great times they spent in sharing their experiences with others in similar positions. Barbie hopes to be a counselor next year after her hard work and training this year. Heidi looks forward to her last year as a camper next year before she transitions into the ranks of counselor as well. They will rest their heads at home this evening after spending the weekend at Innsbrook directly from camp and appreciate the fact that "there's no place like home". God
bless you, While I was in transit to Milwaukee to attend the All Star Game and Home Run Derby, I received a phone call from Barbie who casually informed me that the fire department was on their way to our home. No one was seriously hurt and the damage was minimal. There was a fire around the roof that was extinguished by our contractor Dan Meyer and his crew. When the three fire trucks, two ambulances, four police cars and the Red Cross appeared, it was evident that we are very well protected in Creve Coeur. And since no one was seriously injured, we know that our angel was present looking over everything. Sheila aptly stated during the same phone call that "Every day's a holiday". God
bless you, The last two days have been relatively boring in our home with no calls to 911. Lucy has made a positive impact with all of us and is adjusting as are we to our new life together. She is very well mannered and has had no accidents to date. Will and I talked about how much fun it is to have yet another blonde female living in our home. We are already outnumbered so what difference is one more! We hope all of you are enjoying a healthy and happy summer. God
bless you, Tonight we ask your prayers for our special friend Erin Wilson. She is in Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City tonight waiting stem cells from some wonderful soul somewhere in the US. Tomorrow she will receive her second transplant since last fall which is unprecedented ground. She is one of the most courageous people we have met and continues to astound all with her positive attitude and her willingness to continue the fight. Please keep her and her entire family and health support team in your prayers as we all ask for God's grace in granting a cancer free being for Erin. You may check out her progress at www.erinandrawilson.com. God
bless you, Today reminded me of a typical day when one of the kids was a little baby. After enjoying some libations with neighbors in the back yard and getting to bed late, Lucy decided I had enough sleep by 6:00 am. So, I quickly dressed and went outside. I did not go in the house until about 10:00 pm, except to eat, drink, and shower briefly. I had another rewarding tangible day of yard work and enjoyed seeing the fruits of my labor (seeing tangible results is something that has been lacking throughout my post-college career). Perhaps I will sleep in tomorrow and let Mom take over just like the days gone by. God
bless you, Heidi was informed today that the following piece she authored will be published:
Guardian Angel by Heidi Louise Ricken
I Love my Guardian Angel, She is Truly The Best She fought many battles, And Life put Her to the Test She Loved me Forever, Even though We fought We were Always Together, I Love and Miss Her a Lot Through all Her treatments, She Shed but a Few Tears Yet with Her Gorgeous Smile, You could tell She had No Fears I Miss Her Sparkling Eyes, And Beautiful, Shimmering Hair I Wish that I could See Her, Though I know She is in God's Care I have become a Better Person, It is as Plain As Day to See Because of Life with my Guardian Angel My Older Sister, MB
bless you, We ask for your prayers of comfort today for Matthew Hallemeier as he continues to fight against Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Matthew is 16 and it appears that he will soon be meeting our Lord. He was diagnosed in March of 2000, relapsed, had a bone marrow transplant and again relapsed. Please keep Matthew and his entire family in your prayers. You may keep apprised of his condition by reading his web site Matthew Hallemeier. God
bless you, When you read the websites of Erin Wilson and Matt Hallemeier, you begin to understand just how fortunate you are. When I look at Barbie, Heidi and Will I can not help but think about how healthy they are and what a blessing this is in our lives. Erin and Matt were also very healthy before they were afflicted with disease. Let us all give praise to our Lord for the blessings we have and continue to pray for those less fortunate. As long as there is today, there is hope for tomorrow. God
bless you, It was appropriate that the Cardinals lost their game today. Twenty years ago today Sheila and I met at Busch Stadium and the Redbirds lost that game as well. We had a lot of wonderful times in those days as a young couple dating on opposite ends of I-70. Perhaps the loss today by the Cards is an omen that the season will end in a repeat performance of a World Series Championship just as in 1982. God
bless you, For those of you who have never attended a double wedding, I recommend it. The only one I ever attended was the one in which I was one of the grooms eighteen years ago today. Everyone says your wedding day is not very much fun but we proved that theory wrong as Sheila, Patti, Chris and I all had a great time celebrating with family and friends. Sheila and I have been faced with multiple opportunities and some challenges since that day but are very thankful for all who have helped us sustain a very happy marriage for these past 18. When I think about who I lean on in difficult times, Sheila comes to mind and I must quote the Iron Horse Lou Gehrig by saying, ". . . today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of this earth." God
bless you, Please keep Matt Hallemeier and his family in your thoughts and prayers today. Matt earned his right to eternal peace on Monday and his life is being remembered today with a visitation and tomorrow with his funeral. There is comfort in knowing that his human suffering is over, but his family is in need of your prayers as they are faced with continuing without his physical presence. His family mentioned his wonderful sense of humor in his obituary. Let's all take pause to reflect on his outlook on life and apply it to our own lives. God
bless you, We had a great privilege bestowed on us today as we were allowed to visit our friend Erin Wilson and her parents Christy and Bret in the bone marrow unit at Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City. Erin had a rough night last night and was asleep for most of our visit. It was great to see her and her parents during these trying times. Despite the difficulty, they all remain very upbeat and find the blessings that are present. Please continue to keep Erin and her entire family in your thoughts and prayers. God
bless you, There has never been a more important time than now to pray for Erin Wilson and her family. Today they were informed that she was experiencing both liver and kidney failure and is currently in the ICU. For more complete information please click on Erin Wilson. Please ask everyone in your prayer circles for help for Erin. We pray that it be God's will to grant her the gift of a healthy life filled with happiness and love. God
bless you, During the past year and a half, Will has woken up a few times a week in the middle of the night, walked to our room, and jumped in bed with us. He always jumps in on my side and usually lands on me. I typically pick him up, tell him everything is alright, and carry him back to his bed where her rests comfortably for the remainder of the night. Before bedtime last night he informed me that he has the same great dream at midnight every night. He said he always dreams that he is playing in heaven with Mary Beth and he can not fall back asleep. He said this is his favorite dream of all because it is so much fun. May all of your dreams be happy and come true. God
bless you,
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