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4-07-00 Mary Beth has been attending school part time this week. She has also participated in play practice for the upcoming eighth grade production. She had a great time going to the Pillar Fish Fry last Friday and recommends the salmon. She had fun watching the Blues vs. the Redwings game at the Kiel Center last Saturday, especially since she met several of the players in January. On Tuesday she received a blood transfusion and had the opportunity to discuss her disease with cancer survivor Eric Davis of the St Louis Cardinals. Eric was in the cancer clinic cheering up all the kids and was filmed by channel 5 in several interviews. Look for this to air later this week and you may see MB. She then saw Eric rack up two RBIs on Wednesday at Busch when she watched the Cards dominate the Cubs. She continues to show signs of progress and begins a different regiment of chemotherapy treatment on Tuesday of next week. Knowing that you are all praying for her means a great deal to her and all of us. Thank you and God bless
you, 4-19-00 We are seeing continuous progress with Mary Beth's physical condition. She was fitted last week with walking splints so she can walk without assistance from others. Her weekend was bitter sweet. She was unable to travel to south-central Kansas to attend her great grandmother's funeral, but she enjoyed celebrating Liz Stapleton's birthday with the rest of her classmates. Since our last update, she appeared on the local news and enjoyed seeing all the kids at our annual egg hunt. She even managed to get some eggs of her own. Her new chemotherapy treatment occurs every four weeks and she is scheduled to receive eight such treatments. If all remains on schedule, she should be finished in time to enjoy a healthy Thanksgiving (not that we are calendar watching!). The last three evenings, she has walked around our neighborhood on her own and she even pushed me in her wheelchair for a while last night. She attended school the majority of the day yesterday and was not exhausted when she returned home. We all find strength in the support that you continue to show through your prayers, thoughts, meals, and acts of love. We can't thank you enough. We wish you a very blessed and happy Easter! God bless you,
- In her own words Love and God Bless
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