PRAYER CHAIN FOR MARY BETH As many of you may know, Mary Beth Ricken, a 14 year old parishioner at Our Lady of the Pillar, was diagnosed with a brain tumor on November 9, 1999. She has had many surgeries, radiation, and chemotherapy. You may keep up to date with her progress by reading the other pages of this site. We started a prayer chain for Mary Beth's healing. We are also praying that Our Lord will continue to give Mary Beth and her family the strength and energy it takes to face this obstacle in their lives. We are asking Fr. Chaminade to go to the Lord and ask for Mary Beth's healing. We are hoping he can help us with this miracle. Mary Beth's healing COULD be the miracle that helps send Fr. Chaminade on to sainthood. The idea is to pray for Mary Beth every hour on the hour. You then make a commitment to pray for Mary Beth EVERY DAY at that time. You don't have to pray the whole hour (although I am POSITIVE it would not hurt), but you do promise to pray sometime within that hour. Interested in signing up? Call me at 314-993-2345 or email me at sclarkolp@aol.com. Just write or call and tell me what hour you will be praying for her. Don't worry about doubling up with someone else. All the better to have more than one person praying! Let me know what hour you want, and I will put it all on paper to show Mary Beth how much people are praying for her! Below, you will find a prayer for the Glorification of Fr. Chaminade and for Mary Beth's healing. Feel free to use this prayer or other prayers. Thanks so much for your commitment to prayer for Mary Beth! Peace, PS - Please feel free to send this on to anyone who you think will be interested. Prayer for the Glorification of Father Chaminade O Lord, In a special way, You bestowed your Spirit on your servant, William Joseph Chaminade, So that he might live fully according to the Gospel and with love devote himself to your saving work. You have inspired communities of men and women to follow his example by consecrating themselves to you to serve the Church under the leadership of Mary. We now pray to you to give us visible signs of your grace and holiness in his life by granting us the special favors we ask Through his intercession, especially for the full recovery of Mary Beth Ricken. May the Father and
the Son and the Holy Spirit Be glorified in all places through
the Immaculate Virgin Mary. |