October 2002 Updates on
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The past few months seem to have been busier than normal; whatever normal is! I have heard from several sources about the fact that my diligence in updating this site has been inconsistent. I believe there is a direct correlation to the point in time in which we lost our kitchen this summer. Sheila has affectionately referred to our family as the Clampetts from The Beverly Hillbillies fame as we cooked in our make-do kitchen located in the garage. We also added Lucy to our family around this time and we have all enjoyed spending time with our new little lab. Now that we are actually cooking and eating indoors and Lucy is roaming with the freedom of new invisible fence, I may have more time to dedicate to prose. This might be a good thing or not; you make the call.
God bless you, Everyday, several times a day, a new life begins on earth with the birth of a child. For those of us who have experienced this, it is unforgettable and is difficult to describe from an emotional point of view. Babies are such a blessing and truly represent God's presence in our lives. Very soon, another life will appear on earth as a baby will be welcomed by some special new parents, Ryan and Sara Clark. Sara is our youth director at Our Lady of the Pillar and is a true blessing. Please keep Ryan and Sara and their newborn in your prayers as they await their arrival date and please pray for a happy healthy birth.
God bless you, As I was attending high school night at Chaminade High this evening with Heidi, I reflected back on the previous six or seven years I have attended an evening like this with her sisters as well. Selecting a Catholic high school in St Louis can be one of the most stressful things a child can experience if they and their parents allow it to be that way. There are 30 such high schools in this community which is wonderfully unprecedented. Invariably, each year several kids do not gain acceptance to their number one choice school. However, there is always a spot for them in one of the many schools from which to choose. When you are undergoing such a process, whether it be acceptance to a St Louis Catholic high school, a university, or a pre-school, my recommendation is to say a prayer to the Holy Spirit asking for guidance. If you place your hope, faith and trust in God, everything will always work out.
God bless you, On Saturday, Heidi joined me for a feel good experience in cleaning up two inner city parks as a community service project for St. Joseph's Academy. Since Barbie was out of town, Heidi filled in admirably as a future St Joe Angel. There were 80-100 daughters and dads gathered to improve the landscape and assist Sister Marie Charles in her overall efforts to make south St Louis city a better place. When we pause to look around us, we realize how blessed we are with the gifts in our lives. One of the most precious gifts present that day was the bond between father and daughter. You could see and feel it everywhere. Near the end of our project, we received word that the St. Joe community had lost one of our own dads that very morning. James Edward Sommer, loving husband of Karen and father of Katie, Jessica and Jamie had begun his journey to our Lord. Please keep him and his entire family in your thoughts and prayers.
God bless you, I would challenge anyone to find a more excited kindergartner today than Will. He started his day off by hearing his name on KMOX wishing him a happy birthday and ended it by playing with his latest pets given to him by his sisters. He named his two frogs Cheese and Cake and his dwarf hamster Macaroni. The joy seen in a happy child's face is truly a gift.
God bless you, Yesterday morning Barbie and I
enjoyed the Father - Daughter Mass at St. Joe along with a gym full
of dads and their daughter Angels. Father John Arnold, SJ,
president of DeSmet Jesuit High School, presided and delivered a
magnificent homily speaking to all aspects of the father-daughter
relationship. It was a thought provoking homily as Father
Arnold spoke of being a new father and even touched on a father
dealing with cancer of a daughter. Barbie was very poised in
delivering the first reading, which made one of the dads in the
gathering very proud. God bless you, Sheila and I paid our respects to
the family of Ruth Ostoski last week who lost her battle with cancer
and entered our Lord's kingdom. Ruth is the mother of our dear
friend Joanne Noyes. The funeral was a wonderful celebration
of her life and involved several of her grandchildren. I have
always had a difficult time attending funerals, especially when the
eulogies are read. Invariably, the person being remembered has
left an indelible mark in the hearts of many and they are feeling a
void. Since experiencing the celebration of Mary Beth's life,
I have had an easier time in dealing with funerals. However,
when the eulogies begin, so do my tear ducts. Ironically, I
think I cried less at Mary Beth's funeral than I have at most I have
attended. God bless you, Home / Top of page / MB's Obituary / Sept - 02 / November - 02