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2-4-00 It is official - Mary Beth had her final radiation treatment last Friday! It was a bittersweet moment when she walked out of the radiology department because she was thrilled to have this as a part of history, but she will miss the wonderful team of healthcare professionals she visited on a daily basis for 7 weeks. She celebrated this milestone by spending quality time with all the eighth grade girls at the Marino residence on Friday afternoon. She is attending school on a part time basis this week and is enjoying getting back in the classroom, academically and socially. Her spirits are very high as I witnessed when writing this update. I asked for her opinion on its content and received nothing but her quick witty jokes followed by her contagious laugh. She will have an MRI on Monday followed by the start of her intense chemotherapy on Tuesday of next week when she checks in to the hospital. She will be hospitalized through Saturday, February 12th. We ask that you say a special prayer for very positive MRI results. God bless, 2-12-00 Thank you for your prayers and support. The results of Mary Beth's MRI performed on Monday, February 7th, were favorable. There remains no sign of tumor on her brain and the tumors on her spine continue to diminish in size! She spent the majority of the week in the hospital and was discharged on Friday. She handled the first phase of chemotherapy treatments better than expected and hung out in the teen lounge with Regis Philban playing "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" on CD-ROM. She was the first person at Children's to reach the million dollar question round but didn't win because she was persuaded by others in the room to pick the incorrect answer (thanks a lot, Dad). She is planning to attend school next week and is looking forward to it. Thanks again for your prayers - it is obvious that they are working. God bless you, 2-28-00 Mary Beth has spent the last two weeks recuperating from her first chemotherapy treatment. While the treatment went well, she is feeling the physical unpleasantness of the associated side-affects. She received a blood transfusion last week, but also attended school on a part time basis during the past two weeks and really enjoyed it. She will be checking in to children's Hospital again tomorrow to receive her second chemotherapy treatment. We continue to hear from people locally and across the country who are praying for her recovery and who have joined the prayer chain for MB. We want to express our appreciation to each and every one of you. The power of your continuous prayers is the most important force we have working for us. We are confident that all of the prayers will be answered and Mary Beth will be cured from this dreadful disease. Thank you for all the support. God bless,
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